COVID 19 Office & Client Interaction Guidelines
Covid 19 has come about again in the form of the Delta version, so all of us at Pfister have to follow a new set of rules. My personal position in this matter is strictly personal. However, we understand that as a company we have to stand united on how we carefully express our thoughts in regard to this resurgence of the virus. The wearing of masks in our office, trucks, work sites or in meetings, i.e., staff meetings is not required. However, if you have a personal need to wear one, please do so. Any visitors to our company wearing a mask should be advised that it is not required by us, but we are comfortable with their wearing one for their own reasons.
Any employee may get vaccinated, get a booster shot or undergo any treatment of their choosing related to Covid 19. They can get tested for antibodies, etc. and do so at his/her own time and expense. However, it is not a company requirement. For those employees who come in contact with a great deal of people while servicing roof problems, any foremen, crews, salespeople or for any other reason representing Pfister, they should wear a mask and/or ask if it is okay to remove the mask, and only remove it if permission is given. Please be reminded that sunlight is the best disinfectant therefore while working alone, driving, walking, etc., feel free to not wear a mask. Refrain from handshakes and wash your hands often. Also keep an ample supply of wipes and sprays to give to customers and for your own personal use. Please see Liz and she will give a supply to each of you, but my office, where these are stored is not a shopping mall.
Your cooperation is greatly appreciated, and you may ask me, Greg, or Noreen any questions you may have at any time.
Dieter Pfisterer, CEO
Greg Corbett, President
Noreen Murphy, Office Manager
P.S. Our company logo was designed about 40 years ago, and it represents protection from the rain and strong sunlight, protection against sunburn and the flat bar represents the roof/umbrella and/or a protective device from all the elements. Be proud of it, defend it, and wear it with your heads held high.