No one wants to deal with a leaky roof, but one commercial roof repair might be more necessary than others. When a roof leaks, it is not just the roof that suffers the damage. In part, this is because what you see inside the structure is the result of the leak rather than the source of it. This makes it hard to tell what else might be damaged. The damage is going to vary with the details of the structure itself, as well as the style of roofing on the building.
Direct the Water
While some might see a leaky roof as an inconvenience, it can cause a lot of damage inside a structure. If you aren’t trained in roofing repairs, it’s best to not even go on the roof. Just be sure to put something in place to manage where the water ends up. If you happen to have ceiling tiles or another type of ceiling that involves material that’s easy to remove, take the affected pieces down.
Taking the tiles down is not just a matter of preventing them from getting wet. Water takes the path of least resistance, always following the laws of gravity. By removing the ceiling tiles, you eliminate them from the path and may be able to see where the leak really is originating. This is because the water is no longer traveling over the tiles, but falling directly to the floor.
Understand the Risks
Water damage is not just unsightly, it’s dangerous. In historic buildings, it can destroy materials that have been in place for centuries. To get from the top of the roof to the floor of a structure, the water may have to travel through insulation, decking, framing, and other materials. On top of water damage and material destruction, there is the potential for mold and mildew to form.
Mold spores circulate through the air and thrive in damp environments. Because they circulate through the air, they can be dangerous to humans and other living things that might inhale them. An ongoing leak poses some of the highest levels of potential for mold to form because there is a constantly wet area. Even if it doesn’t rain, dew and other water in the environment can find its way to the leak.
Take Immediate Action
There are a few phone numbers that every property owner should have on hand. This makes it easier to get things done in an emergency, when you may not be thinking clearly. The number for an emergency roof repair company is a must. Don’t assume that every roofing company offers the same level of treatment, either. Some only do new construction and others only work on residential properties.
Those who work on commercial roofs or historical buildings know that tending to a leak takes top priority for these types of buildings. In fact, it may be a good idea to call them before there is a leak, just to find out about a proper maintenance schedule and to provide information about your particular roof so they have these details in case of an emergency.
For more information call us at Pfister Roofing at 1-800-367-2207 or visit us at!